No matter how many ways I say it, it still makes me smile.
While we do some celebrating on twitter (#BetweenLove) I just wanted to take some time to say THANK YOU!
Thank you to Cyndi Tefft for writing this series. We may be a small group of fans but we love you so much and are so grateful to you.
Thank you to Lindsey and Aiden for showing us how strong the love between two people can be. It literally defied death again and again.
Thank you to Lindsay Cox for being an incredibly creative fan and taking charge when I can't. I am eternally grateful to you.
Thank you to Theresa Largusa for being a very organized Angel. Not only has she helped put this little project together but she's also had so many amazing ideas, been insanely supportive and encouraged everyone around her.
And finally THANK YOU, to you, the Aiden's Angels. You have been crazy, and quiet, supportive, and sweet - hell you're helping to send me to New Orleans to meet Cyndi, but mostly you've been there to share the love we all have for this incredible series.
This blog has only been around for a year and a half but you guys have kept her running and for that I can't thank you enough.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for getting us here. Three years later, and we're still in love with Aiden and Lindsey MacRae.
We asked you what your favourite thing about Aiden and Lindsey were and these were just some of your answers:
Post by Aiden MacRae.
Post by Aiden MacRae.
Is there anything else you want to add to the list?
And because it's Between's birthday we've got some bonus content in the shop coming soon.